Thursday, May 03, 2007

Free eBook of the Week

Do not start any of your business or efforts to achieve your goals in life unless you read the 5 Classic Texts on Making Money..

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

Think and Grow Rich! Napoleon Hill’s classic book — the all-time bestseller in the personal success field — offers a life-altering experience. It teaches thousands of people the practical steps to high achievement and financial independence every year. TGR’s greatest value is not only that it can make you financially successful. It can help YOU — or ANYONE — get whatever it is that you desire from life.

Right click here to download

The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles

In his bestselling book, Wallace D. Wattles explains that “universal mind” underlies and permeates all creation. Through the process of visualization we can engage the law of attraction–impressing our thoughts upon “formless substance” and bringing the desired object or circumstances into material form. The author emphasizes the critical importance of attitude only by aligning ourselves with the positive forces of natural law can we gain unlimited access to the creative mind and its abundant rewards.

Right click here to download

As A Man Thinketh by James Allen

This excellent compilation of essays by James Allen truly holds the key to success, amongst other things! This “classic” has been around since the turn of the century and it seems to be even more relevant in today’s stressful and competitive society. I underlined so many wonderful and inspiring passages that I intend to refer to on a daily basis. As Allen states, “a man is literally what he thinks”, or as the saying goes, garbage in, garbage out! Or put another way, “All that a man achieves and all that he fails to achieve is the direct result of his own thoughts.”

The Scientific Advertising by Claude Hopkins

Claude Hopkins invented test marketing, sampling technology and the concept of pre-emptive advertising. The concepts he reveals in this book have been used by advertisers for decades and he is recognized by marketing experts such as Jay Abraham as a genius in his field. Scientific Advertising is an all-time classic book and you’ll want to read it at least three times. Each reading will provide you with profound insights into how to market any product or service.

The Acres of Diamonds by Russell Conwell

This book is small, eloquent, and easy to understand. It is about life, success, money, and priorities, what these things are and aren’t, and will continue to challenge the way most of us choose to live our lives for years.

Bonus Ebook - The Magic Story by Frederick Van Rensselaer

This little book is charming and full of simple success wisdom. The book is over a hundred years old.

Enjoy, this is the kind of book you will want to read twice a year.

Get it free here:

Classic-eBooks Download

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