Copyright © Carol Kaspszak
Home and Personal Security
Are you concerned about your personal safety whenever you go
Things could go wrong just crossing the parking lot. You could
become a victim. Here are a few tips you should do to insure you
and your family's personal safety.
1. When parking your car make sure that you lock your doors.
Always park as close to the store as possible or in a highly
visible, well-lighted area. If you have any valuables such as
cell phones, purses, etc, keep them out of sight or locked in the
trunk. Also, make a mental note of where you parked so you don't
have to wander around the lot looking for your car.
2. When you are going to and from your car, be aware of your
surroundings. Scan the parking lot. Have your keys ready to
unlock your door. If you have an alarm on your keyless locks, be
prepared to use it. It is a great idea to purchase a personal
self defense device. Mace, Pepper Spray, or a 130db Personal
Alarm can come in handy if you are ever attacked. Use assertive
body language to discourage trouble. Look confident and be alert
to what is going on around you. When possible, wear clothes and
shoes that won't slow you down. Look around and under your car
as you approach it. Look in the front and back seats before you
get in. Once you are in your car, lock the doors immediately and
drive away. If you feel you are being followed, don't go home.
Go to the nearest safe location such as a crowded store or fire
station or to a police car.
3. If someone suspicious approaches your car, hit the horn until
they have been scared off or until you have attracted attention.
If you feel you are being followed, act like you know it. Turn
and look at the person. This gives you time to plan and lets the
stranger know you will not be taken by surprise.
4. When you are inside the store don't flash cash. Carry only
the amount of money or credit cards needed for your shopping trip
and keep it secure until you're ready to pay. Then put your
money away immediately before leaving the register. Do not leave
your purse unattended, even for a moment.
5. Your safety is important no matter where you go. Trust your
instincts. Unless it's absolutely necessary to carry a purse or
bag, keep your wallet or credit cards in your pocket. Eliminate
spare keys from your purse. Carry your belongings close to your
body. Hold it in front of you between your arm and body, but not
wrapped around your neck or looped around your wrist. Do not
leave your belongings in your car or otherwise unattended. Out
of sight, out of mind.
6. Avoid using ATMs that are isolated or away from the general
public. Do not go late at night or early in the morning.
Consider bringing a friend along when you use an ATM. Have your
card ready and plan your transaction before you reach the ATM.
If your life is threatened while using an ATM, cooperate fully
with the robber. Your life is more important than the money. Be
safe on the streets. Don't be the next victim.
Carol Kaspszak
Keeping women and families safe since 2003.
For all your safety needs, shop at:
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