Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Napoleon Hill's Law of Success

The one common factor of every successful person I know, and every
successful person I know of, is that they are dedicated students of success.

They never seem to tire of studying what others have done to achieve.

Perhaps no one in the history of mankind has been a better student of
success than Napoleon Hill was in the 20th Century. He was on a first-name
basis with the greatest achievers of his day - Carnegie, Rockefeller, Morgan,
Ford, Edison and on and on. His study, and his subsequent reporting of his
findings, made him the best-selling success writer of all time.

You've no doubt heard of Wrigley's chewing gum. The Wrigley
company is the largest such company in the world. It's founder,
William Wrigley, Jr., wrote to Hill, "Whatever success I may have
attained I owe, entirely, to the application of your 17 fundamental
principles of the Law of Success

Wow! That's a pretty powerful testimonial for Napoleon Hill's Law of Success.
But I think you'll be even more surprised by some of the other testimonials
(including two U.S. Presidents).

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