I start each of these review email with a few paragraphs of "Introduction". If you've gotten the past reports, just skip the intro and go straight to the Review section.
Note: All past reviews are now archived at
... so you can get current on where we are now in these capsulized chapter reviews.
I'm involved in a MasterMind group that is creating a Home Study "Think and Grow Rich" Course where...
Every Wednesday (began Wed the 5th of Jan) and for 8 successive Wednesdays, the MasterMind group will be digging into a different chapter or chapters of the book via private teleconferences.
These teleconferences are being recorded and will become the backbone of the Home Study Course.
I'll be reporting to you each Thursday, following the Wednesday teleconference about the highlights of what the MasterMind group discussed.
Understand that these private teleconferences are open only to the investors in the product (Home Study Course) and a few invited "specialists" and therefore I'm writing these brief reports to keep you "in the loop".
You may find all previous reports archived at:
This session of the MasterMind Group started by discussing the virtues of what a MasterMind Group is and how and why it works.
Napoleon refers to the MasterMind as "The Driving Force".
He goes on the say that PLANS are inert and use- less without sufficient POWER to translate them into ACTION.
POWER may be defined as "organized and intelligently directed KNOWLEDGE." Makes sense.
Hill even declares, "No individual may have great power without availing him (or her) self of the "Master Mind"".
So you can't get where you're going... at least all the way to "great power"... without interfacing with others.
And, you know, I agree with that.
My experience with MasterMind groups is that a group of like-minded people (same interest topic) get together. Most of mine have been through phone meetings.
The first meeting is organizational, and then the good ideas start to flow. Over the next few months, uninspired people start to fall out...
and the group seems to dissipates.
BUT I ALWAYS come away with having bonded with one or two individuals that become longlasting members of my PERSONAL MASTERMIND (as I call it).
The relationships I have with these close businss friends ... well you just can't put a value on it.
You'll always get an honest answer (a unique power of a MasterMind), they are always there for you .. and WHY?
Because you're always there for them!
And now on to the most misunderstood chapter in the book... Sex Transmutation!
The premise of this chapter is that, if you harness your natural energies - the sexual drive being the MOST powerful of human desires - to express yourself, you can accomplish great things.
The meaning of the word "transmute" is, in simple language, "the changing, or transferring of one element, or form of energy, into another.
Sex Transmutation means the switching of the mind from thoughts of physical expression (having sex, flirting, etc.) to thoughts of some other nature.
Napoleon goes into much detail about the importance of a woman to a man (and man to a woman) and sites many famous examples.
My wife knows when I do things to become more successful.. yes, I'm doing it for me... but I'm more deeply doing it for "us".
I think that's the connective power that he's talking about.
Hill identifies Sexual Energy as the most powerful of human energies, followed by Love (which Hill says "moderates and helps direct" sexual energy)...
... and 8 others energy sources.. including alcohol!
In order to connect with the higher consciousness, you need to harness this energy.
In essence, Napoleon wants you to grab the energy from these sources (sex energy being the most power- ful) and transmute it into energy directed to create your desired reality.
You see, it's energy that causes action... thought action then concrete reality.
About 20 years ago, I took an "advanced" sales course that likened a prospects emotions during a sales presentation to a pendulum...
and the salesperson was instructed to get the pendulum swinging (create energy)... and it didn't matter if it was swinging "away" from the sale.
The only thing that mattered was that you got the pendulum swinging and the energy going.
So, I'd approach a prospect and they always seemed to just sit there... and they wanted me to dump information on them.
Well, I'd get the pendulum going with..."Now that I'm here, I realize this product may not be for you..."
The prospect would say something like, "You called this meeting with me and you don't think I can use your product?!" ... with an angry look.
Mission accomplished... pendulum moving.
Then I'd say... "Well, let me ask you..." and I'd go on building the energy and swinging the pendulum... evenutally ... my way!
So, I can see Napoleon's point on energy and the transmutation of such. I was taking "anger energy" and transmuting it to "buying energy".
I guess, the notions of sparking energy in combination with my understanding of the importance of tapping into the "sixth sense" shows up in some of my company's products today...
Like the "Developing a Closing Instinct" mental training session in our SalesMind Software, which helps sales pros to get more of their desired outcome - sales!
Anyway, this Sex Transmutation chapter is one I'll definitely come back to, and probably, so should you.
Please tell anyone that you think can benefit by these uplifting discussions, to download their copy of Think and Grow Rich at:
With the past reports now archived, your friends and relatives and business associates can now catch up on these reviews and get right in the flow.
Keep reviewing, a couple of times a day, your Written Statement of your Desire for Money.
Norman Hallett
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