Monday, April 11, 2005



Virtue means doing the right thing, in relation to the right person,
at the right time, to the right extent, in the right manner, and for
the right purpose.

Thus, to give money away is quite a simple task,but for the act to
be virtuous, the donor must give to the rightperson, for the right
purpose, in the right amount, in the rightmanner, and at the right

-- Aristotle

For attractive lips, speak words of kindness. 
For lovely eyes, seek
out the good in people.
For a slim figure, share your food with the
For beautiful hair, let a child run his or her fingers
through it once a day.
For poise, walk with the knowledge that
you'll never walk alone.

-- Audrey Hepburn (1929-1993) British Actress

Thursday, April 07, 2005

Success Attitude Formula

What is your formula for success? 
Whether you know it or not, you do have a
formula... for better or for worse.

I want to share with you a formula that makes
achieving your Core Desires simple.

I call it, The Success Attitude Formula. And,
in reality, you use this formula to reach your
objectives, whether you know it or not.

This formula has been an integral part of
achievement experience to famous people.

The Success Attitude formula shows you how
to unlock and open the door of opportunity.

Many people have listened to experts or read
their books and have been all fired up with
that can-do approach. But soon the fire goes
out and they never get going, they never
take the first step, or they quit too easily.
This won't happen when you know your
genuine Core Desires and apply the Success
Attitude formula.

SA=(CD+D) x PA+P

Success Attitude = (Core Desires +
Direction) x Proper Action + Persistence

A Success Attitude is a frame of mind that
allows you to accomplish whatever you want
because you know you can create the
opportunity and then make it happen.

You may not necessarily know how you will
create the opportunity, you just know that
you have the ability to learn whatever it
takes to acquire the attributes, skills, and
characteristics needed.
With this foundation, you need only identify 
what you really want to learn about and then 
find a mentor to shorten your learning curve.

Remember that you are smart enough to learn
whatever someone is willing to teach you.

With the skill and attitude you learn from a
mentor, you can then create the opportunity
and make it happen. You may surprise
yourself with the things you can do. You
will acquire the talent and attitudes needed
thanks to your Core Desires and your
Conquering Force.

When you have faith and confidence in
yourself, you will do more and attempt to do
more. The ancient Greeks defined faith as
"action out of confidence." The more
confidence you have, the more action you
will take.

Where can you get more faith and
confidence? You can borrow it from someone
who has plenty of it-from those who are
already successful at whatever you want to
learn-whether it's skiing, swimming,
marriage, or business.

When you apply what they have taught you,
you will achieve the results as promised,
thus greatly increasing your faith. When
you exercise your faith, you will become
a more confident and faith-full person.

If you're not where you want to be in life,
then take a look at your formula for
success and see how it measures up to the
Success Attitude Formula.

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Napoleon Hill's Law of Success

The one common factor of every successful person I know, and every
successful person I know of, is that they are dedicated students of success.

They never seem to tire of studying what others have done to achieve.

Perhaps no one in the history of mankind has been a better student of
success than Napoleon Hill was in the 20th Century. He was on a first-name
basis with the greatest achievers of his day - Carnegie, Rockefeller, Morgan,
Ford, Edison and on and on. His study, and his subsequent reporting of his
findings, made him the best-selling success writer of all time.

You've no doubt heard of Wrigley's chewing gum. The Wrigley
company is the largest such company in the world. It's founder,
William Wrigley, Jr., wrote to Hill, "Whatever success I may have
attained I owe, entirely, to the application of your 17 fundamental
principles of the Law of Success

Wow! That's a pretty powerful testimonial for Napoleon Hill's Law of Success.
But I think you'll be even more surprised by some of the other testimonials
(including two U.S. Presidents).

Are You Ready To Be Your Own Boss?

Are You Ready To Be Your Own B.o.s.s?
© 2003 Abel Cheng

You have this burning desire you want to be on your
own. The temptation is so great that you want to quit
your job. Enough is enough. You're sick of working for
other people for a ridiculous pay.

To be your own b.o.s.s means controlling your own destiny,
having your own time and no b.o.s.s.e.s to report to.
Basically, you can do whatever you want.

But before you really jump into a new territory of
being on your own, you have to make sure that you're
ready and well equipped.

Below is the checklist that can help you to ensure
that you're ready to be on your own.

1. Have a crystal clear plan.
Do you have a clear idea as to what you want to do
next? You must know exactly what your plan is. Is this
going to be the same as what you are doing? Or, is it
completely different from what you are used to do?
Write down your ideas and evaluate the feasibility of
your ideas. Ideally, pick an idea you like most and
the most profitable.

2. Have a reserve of 6-12 months.
Before you embark on your journey to be your own b.o.s.s,
you must prepare a fund of at least 6 months'
expenses. I prefer a 12-month fund reserve. The
reserve is used to cover your daily expenses while you
are just starting out and you receive no regular
wages. This reserve is also used to cover unforeseen
circumstances that you might be under. It's extremely
important to have sufficient fund as this can remove a
lot of stress from you.

3. Support from your partners or friends.
When your plan to be on your own fails or you face a
temporary setback, do you have someone to turn to for
support? It's almost guaranteed that you'll be caught
in a situation that can force you to give up. This is
the time when you need solid support from someone who
cares about you. You need this kind of support to
carry on. You need someone to talk your problem out.

Identify the person who can give you 100% support
while you're on your way to be on your own. The person
can be your spouse, partners, close friends or even
your mentors. For me, my wife is the biggest
inspiration and supporter. Whenever I feel down, she
gives me the courage to stand up again.

4. Tools and resources.
Do you have the necessary resources you need to start
out? Can you work from home instead, or you need to
rent an office? Do you need to hire people to help
you, part time or full time? Do you need a computer
and the relevant software? Do you need any special
tool or machine for your business? If yes, where do
you source for it? By asking these questions, you can
prepare a list of tools and resources that you need to
carry out your tasks more efficiently and effectively.

5. Acquire knowledge.
If you're starting out in a new area, how do you
acquire knowledge in this area? Knowledge increases
your probability of success and helps you to avoid
unnecessary mistakes. Knowledge can be obtained
through government agencies, support groups,
workshops, books, the Internet, mentors and coaches.
Knowledge does not come free and you must be willing to
invest in knowledge.

------- SIDENOTE --------
Acquiring the right knowledge is important, have a look at
the knowledge that I use and recommend at

Being on your own can be very challenging. By sharing
the information here, it's my hope that you'll have a
smooth transition from working for people to being
your own b.o.s.s. And also to encourage you to take
action if you have been contemplating on the idea, but
no action is taken yet. I can assure you that you'll
never regret of making the decision to be on your own.

Abel Cheng offers small and medium enterprises exclusive
global profits insider tips in his f.r.e.e. publication,
Abel Cheng's Business Diary. To officiate a bi-weekly
subscription, please go to

12 Steps to Real Estate Success

If you're like me, you probably know (or know of) people who have become very wealthy in the past few years through real estate investments. Like many people, I've made modest profits on the sales of homes I've owned and lived in over the years. But I've never taken the steps to begin building massive wealth through real estate.

I guess I'm at the point where I've sat on the sidelines and watched enough people cash in on real estate profits long enough that I'm ready to jump in and play. But where to begin?

The logical first step for me is to repeat the same process I've used to become successful in other fields --- go find someone who's done what I want to do, and get them to teach me exactly what they did.

That someone for me happens to be a lady who has acquired more than 100 investment properties herself --- who started as a young, single mom and became a millionaire in just four years. And someone who has already taught many others how to achieve massive profits in real estate.

..often without having to have a lot of capital to begin with!

Loral Langemeier is no stranger to me, and no stranger to our subscribers. She's been a friend of mine for several years and was our teacher for the highly successful My Money Choices program.

So I nailed Loral down last fall and she taught us her 12 Steps to Real Estate Success. I've had the great pleasure to host some of the very best teachers/trainers in the world for the highly successful tele-seminars we've had over the last 2+ years, and I've learned a lot from each one. But I learned far more on this tele-seminar than on any other one we've done. And I wasn't the only one. Some of our participants actually bought investment real estate (for the very first time) during the program, using the exact principles Loral taught us.

We've just posted the recordings of this awesome tele-seminar and for the next five days we're passing on an extra $20 savings to our special subscribers. Simply use this link and when you check out you'll see the discount.

As I heard from my grandfather many years ago --- land is a great investment because they're not making any more of it. And 12 Steps to Real Estate Success can get you started on the road to successful real estate investing. And you can save more than a few bucks when you take advantage of this special subscriber offer.

As always, thanks for supporting our site :-)

Vic Johnson

P.S. I haven't seen all of Loral's properties, but I had the great pleasure to recently try out her beautiful Lake Tahoe executive rental (she was buying it during our tele-seminar). What a gorgeous place it is looking out over the Lake, and an even better investment! Even more amazing, that's just ONE of more than 100 that she owns. Learn how she did it and more.